Saturday, May 3, 2014

Maine's Law & HB162: Talking Points with Legislators

Our latest update on HB162: the Senate Aging and Youth Committee is considering Maine's Law as an amendment to HB162.  PAR supports this direction and has long suggested that Maine's Access Law be instituted as model legislation in Pennsylvania and throughout the remaining U.S. states that do not allow adult adoptees equal access to their original birth certificates.  You can read the text of Maine's Law here.

The basics of Maine's Law

  • Adult adoptees are granted the same access to their original birth certificates as those who are not adopted.
  • Original parents may file a contact preference form that is given to the adult adoptee to inform them of the parent's preference for contact.
What Maine's Law does:
  • Restores equality to adult adoptees under the law that does not impose additional legal barriers to their original birth certificate that are not faced by anyone else.
  • Informs adult adoptees of their original parents' boundaries for contact and allows original parents the opportunity to state their boundaries for contact.
We encourage HB162 supporters to continue contacting committee members and let them know about Maine's Law.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written and really instructive. I'm glad you took the time to publish this because it was extremely helpful.
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