About PAR

Pennsylvania Adoptee Rights is a grassroots initiative of the adoption community.  Formed in 2009, PAR primarily seeks to restore the right of Pennsylvania-born adoptees to access their original birth certificates through the same process as every Pennsylvania-born person who is not adopted.

PAR was built upon the principle that those directly affected by adoption policy should be in the forefront of creating, evaluating, and implementing that policy.  We believe that adoption policy should be based on the strengths, not the stereotypes or deficits, of the adoption community.  Finally, we believe that community experience, human rights frameworks, research, practice, and history should inform every adoption policy made in our commonwealth.

Your PAR Legislative Advocacy Team:

Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston, adult adoptee
Priscilla Sharp, original mother
Carolyn Hoard, original mother
Kristi Lado, adult adoptee
Jenna Shank, adult adoptee
Julie Sterner, adult adoptee
Julie Stromberg, adult adoptee
Mary O'Leary Wiley, adult adoptee
Karen Fetrow, original mother