Sunday, February 23, 2014

HB162: This is How Far We've Come

Recently, someone asked us if passing a bill always takes this long.  HB 162 has had quite a journey.  Typically, the Pennsylvania General Assembly sees anywhere from 5,000 to 8,000 (or more!) bills drafted each session.  The volume of bills alone means that not all of them are heard--or passed--right away.  This is why it is so important to celebrate the strides that the Pennsylvania adoption community has made with HB 162.  We have come very far and still have quite a ways to go.

--Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston, for PAR


  1. If they need someone to testify before the committee, I'm more than willing to do so. I have a great case that I feel would speak volumes to the need for this to pass.

  2. I am an adult 62 year of age. I feel that at this age I should be able to access my original birth certificate.
    I have reason to believe that my biological parents are both deceased. All I want to know is what my name was at birth and my parents names. I have no desire to contact anyone.

    1. I am 64 and feel the same exact way.

  • I'm 55 yrs old and have a 2&1/2 yr old Son. I feel it's Paramount that I be able to find, and Document Medical Records which may impact my Sons' LIFE. I have had minor medical problems myself, and had previously tried to access Birth Records to try to comply with the "FAMILY HISTORY" question which IS ALWAYS ASKED by Medical Professionals, and I have been UNABLE to answer because I've been DENIED ALL ACCESS to MY OWN RECORDS!
